Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer mailing list
Subject: RE: [AN1x-list] Java-Softsynth Nanoloop for Gameboy
From: "Sama" <SAMA_@...>
Date: 2000-07-07
awesome...say that I bought an MV30 and a sampler..
if only I had knew...
no more diesel for electricity, just a hammster
for the amp,or a friend on a bike..sweet hollydays..
Say,about soft applis, does anyone herebye has an
experience in VBasic or Inprise's objectpascal?
I was wondering wich of the two should allow the
largest palette in win32 environnement...
I need one of the two for a schoolproject,and would
be very please to have a solid opinion.