>Hi, I won't take part in the "soft VS hard"ware discussion thought I mainly
work with wave-files via
smartmedia..it's i my belief that there is an effective complementarity
between the two modes,and that softs have lots of advantage when working in
audio,and midi
programing via floppy...(sic)
Guess what,I too was tinking about a kind of"www.mix"
where Strings Sounds should be close to other modulations...I'm definitely
certainly not the finest programmer of that list , but yes the idea I agree.
What about, girls??
I like it .
I have nothing against softsynths, as long as i don´t have to read
promotions for unoriginal sounds made with it.
Not to mention the possibility to exchange midi songs with AN sys ex's. And
to work upon it as an open project.
Like it or not. I like it.