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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Drum kits on AN1X?

From: jondl <jondl@...>
Date: 2000-07-06

"Edwards, Ed" wrote:
> Using the AN1x for drums is like using a shovel to take out a screw... you
> can, if you modify the shovel and are very careful when using it.

I remember back in the mid-80s when my friends an I were all on our 1st
synths: DX7's, DW8000's and K3's. We'd each try to program the ultimate
"Miami Vice" synth drum intro ala Jan Hammer ;-) ha haha

V/A, analog, or digi/analog hybrid - makes no difference: programming
electro percussion can be lots of fun! So long as you're not expecting
a full drum-kit as in a ROMpler, i.e., CS2x, CS6x, etc., the AN1x is as
well suited as any old analog synth ever was :-)

Oh, and don't forget - lower the filter cutoff, raise the depth amount
and crank the Resonance for those way spacey type percussion sounds ;-)
Try routing velocity to the cutoff rate for even more fun...



Featuring support for the Ensoniq ASR-X Pro Sampler and Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer