Well said Phil.
I continue to suggest to people that a collection of synths beats a"workstation-like" unit hands down. My belief is that ifyou consider and enjoy what each of your synth's do well rather thenlamenting on what it cannot do you would be much farther ahead. Istill love the sounds I can produce from my DX7IID; certainly it does notsound like a Nord or Quasi or JP whatever... heck it doesn't even soundlike the AN1X. But what the DX7 does well it does very well. Similarly the An1X does a number of emulations wonderfully, but it doesnot make up my entire palate.
btw: can you find the track with the AN1x :o)
Cheers all - this group is fantastic - I'll post some patchessoon
> From: Phil
>Subject: Re: Drum kits on AN1X?
>There is simply no Do-All-Be-Everything-Module-Thingy out there,
but when
>applied for a specific role, the AN1x really is a such a
terrific and
>versatile instrument - outshining many other comparable
>IMOHO, of course! :)