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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] To the german users...

From: "Underground Sounds" <U.Sounds@...>
Date: 2000-07-02

> It's difficult to to get a new one. Try to find a used one. Or -if you are
> lucky- you will find an AN1 at the big german stores like:
> Music store
> Spieker + Pulch
> Amptown
> Music City
> Thomann
> Du kannst die frage auch super im keyboards forum posten

thanx,but it´s some time ago, these stores have sold their last an1x

yes, from a guy in the keyboards forum i have the tip that have
got some of them.
i ordered one before two weeks or so, but i only get a postcard,that they
have no one on stock,but they try to order one fron their supplier.

i think if i don´t get one there i must live without it or hope to get one

thanx anyway..
> Regarding the question if the An1 is as good as the nord lead:
> As you already know each synth has its very own sound.
> I like the wooden percussive sound of nord lead very much.

yes, you´re right every synth has it´s own character.
but i missed the analogue punch in my setup (cs2x,quasar,wavestation) and i
thought the an1x would be the cheapest alternative..
because some people even compare it with the jp8000...
