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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Drum kits on AN1X?

From: Phil <accession@...>
Date: 2000-07-01

Re: [AN1x-list] Drum kits on AN1X? Hi Hank,

You're right in the fact that producing an entire 'drum kit' from the AN1x is going to be a little difficult (if not impossible).

The best you'll get is two separate sounds, mapped across each end of the keyboard.

Don't be discouraged by the fact that there aren't any drum 'samples' stored in the AN1x. The early drum machines all contained various analogue circuits - with each oscillator/filter module configured to produce a certain drum-like sound (often it did require a lot of imagination!). The classic Roland TR-808 uses nothing but analogue circuitry. Even the TR-909 is only depending on samples for things like the cymbals.

(I wonder who ever did hit that original HiHat cymbal for the '909 sample? - What a nice thing it would be to pop that on your file!)  ;)

Using the "Noise Level" on the AN1x you should be able to create both a 'shaker' and a snare-like sound.

The AN1x is also (more than) capable of producing some literaly thunderous kick drums. Although the thought of devoting my entire synth to just one kick drum hasn't grabbed me quite just yet. Needless to say, with the aid of a sampler, one could set about producing quite an array of (very) useable 'kicks'.

I remember buried in my pile of Future Music Magazines, an article on maybe Orbital (?) talking about how they tend to synthesize most of their kick drums. I guess it's this sort of attention to detail that keeps bands like Orbital continuing to break new ground.

I don't know if there are many percussion patches floating around, but in the spirit of Orbital, how about we all start trying to create some of our own. I haven't got any made up myself, but if you start with a short Attack and Release, a VERY low pass filter, a LOT of resonance, and some depth to the filter (FEG), it would certainly be on the right track.

Let us know how you get on.

It could actually be a good mission for all of us!

Phil :)

Ps. Hank, were you the guy that picked up the AN1x over the CS2x? If so, don't be turned off by the lack of percussion (or multi-timbrality) on the AN1x. There are many sound-modules that can cater for those sorts of things, but it is the pure expressiveness within each patch on the AN1x (via knob tweaking) that no sample-based (ie CS2x) synth can ever touch.

There is simply no Do-All-Be-Everything-Module-Thingy out there, but when applied for a specific role, the AN1x really is a such a terrific and versatile instrument - outshining many other comparable products.

IMOHO, of course! :)


From: vick_timson@...
Date: Sat, 01 Jul 2000 15:35:06 -0000
Subject: [AN1x-list] Drum kits on AN1X?


I was wondering what the closest thing to a drum kit on the AN1X is.  
I haven't quite heard any of the percussive patches if such exist.  
Is there no way in getting drum kits since it would have to store
waveforms?  I noticed that there aren't too many drum banks out
there.  Thanks.


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