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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Some questions regarding Cakewalk and AN1x

From: joel <mango@...>
Date: 2000-03-06

> Hi I have just setup my AN1x with a USB MIDI port and Cakewalk 5 (yes I know its
> old) and the Yamaha softsynth S-YXG50.

Hi, i have a question for you too :)
Which USB MIDI port do you use? And do you like how it works?

> Here are my questions.
> 1) When I play a key on the AN1X they is a small but noticeable time delay
> between my key press and the sound being heard on the PC Speakers. Any advice
> about how this can be changed.

What soundcard do you use?
My guess is that the problem could be there.
It could be that the card or it's drivers might be causing the latency.

> 2)I record a track using 1 voice, that works fine, but when I come to recording
> a second track with a different voice. When I playback both track together the
> second voice plays on both channels.

I don't understand that question, so i can't answer it :)
