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Subject: Re: [AN1x] Re: Quick AN1xEdit question on randomization

From: "Mike Metlay" <metlay@...>
Date: 2003-05-01

Jon said:
> --- In, "Mike Metlay" <metlay@a...> wrote:
>> It seems that one must randomize and download a single sound, try
> it, decide
>> to save it or not, then do it all again. That greatly slows me down
> in my
>> 'sound surfing,' and it would be nice if I could randomize an
> entire bank for
>> bulk download. Am I missing the way to do this in AN1xEdit, or is
> it in fact
>> impossible? (I suppose I could go back to SoundDiver to actually
> create the
>> banks and download them, but I'm not that familiar with SD's
> randomizer and I
>> don't know what it needs for "seed" data, if anything.)
> I'm not in front of my Mac + AN1xEdit right and don't recall a method
> in which you can randomize a bank of voices. Never been much of a fan
> for patch randomizers...

Many folks aren't. However, I find them an intriguing window into how to get a
synth to do certain things. Disassembling other people's patches doesn't teach
you how to break a synth; a properly designed randomizer does. Since most of
my patches involve breaking synths, this is a very handy tool for me.

> However, if you have access to a Wintel machine, there is a free app
> called Genetix for download in the File setion
> here at Yahoo! Groups
> which does specifically what you ask.


Ahem. No, I don't have access to a Wintel machine to do such a thing. However,
I do have other tools I can fall back on at a time like this. Specifically
barter and sneakiness. :)

If anyone out there with a working copy of Genetix on their PC and the ability
to save the resulting randomized banks as files readable into AN1xEdit on a
Mac (I assume that the .an1 files are no different on Mac and PC?) would be
willing to help me, I would gladly provide them with free electronic music on
CD in exchange for their data. Depending on how many banks of patches you were
willing to make for me, I would send one or more EPs or full albums of
electronic music from my catalog.

Please email me offlist at metlay@... if you can help; I would
prefer a USA address for mailing purposes, but if a European or other
foreigner offers to help I won't say no: I will just ask for relatively few
banks so I can pay for them with a small disc or two that can fit in a Global
Priority Mail envelope easily.



As a generalisation, the technology has NOTHING to do with the music.
For each specific artist, it has EVERYTHING to do with the music. (cassiel)
> < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > <
metlay / atomic city / metlay@... /