>b) be able to prove that you actually copyrighted the item on a certain
date. The easiest way to accomplish b) is to print >a copy of the
document/music with the words "Copyright (C) 2003 by John E. Doe. All
rights reserved." Then seal this >up in an envelope, put a stamp on it, and
mail it to yourself. DO NOT open the envelope when you get it back from the
>post office; file it away in a safe or safe deposit box. It will have a
postmark and cancelled stamp on it, which is >accepted in court as proof of
date, should legal action be required at some point.
This is however no real evidence that the music/text in the envelope is
yours, just that you had access to it at a certain date (which probably will
be enough, unless someone else have heard your track in progress and stolen
parts of it before your track was finnished.)
The primary purpose of wings is to prevent flight