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Subject: Re: [AN1x] EQ and effects

From: Bruce Wahler <bruce@...>
Date: 2003-04-21

Hi Jerry,

It seems that the AN1x's tube simulator is more useful for heavy distortion than milder overdrive. I haven't ever tried to use it for tube "warmth" without distortion. The GuitarSync patch I mentioned uses Drive=10 and VCA=115 (for the mono version) or VCA=105 (for the poly version).

I don't use a Pod or stomp box, but I do feed the AN1x into an ART Dual MP tube preamp set for a fairly mild amount of warmth.


Bruce Wahler
Ashby Solutions™
978.386.7389 voice/fax

At 06:44 PM 4/21/2003 +0000, you wrote:
>Thanks everyone for your comments ... It seems that I almost always
>select a very low drive setting (between 1 and 5) for these effects
>because they get crackly very soon. Bruce based on your comments, I
>guess I can reduce the propensity to break up by playing with the VCA
>level, right? I tend to use unison mode, that may be a factor too. I
>couldnt't tell what the LPF is doing, but based on what you said, I
>guess it filters the sound that is being routed through the effects
>but not the dry sound (if you mix wet and dry). I'll check out that
>sync sound.
>Anybody use an outboard distortion/overdrive like POD? Does it make a