--- In
AN1x-list@yahoogroups.com, Bruce Wahler <bruce@a...> wrote:
> Hi,
> >Newbie to the AN1x scene... veteran synth guy from the 60's ;-)
> Same here!
60's baby/70's child...
> >i just wanted to know wether this was common to all AN1x's....
> >
> >The aftertouch responds too quickly ..even with only my ∗light∗
> >modulates into aftertouch overdrive very quickly.
> >
> >Even when playing the MC 505 and looking at the edit...the channel
> >aftertouch info is beserk !
> >
> >Is this common ??
> Yes, unfortunately, the AT on the AN1x is pretty touchy -- too
touchy for my liking. It both presses down too easily, and too
early, for my playing style. I like an AT that you really have to
torque down on to make it work.
> >...is this faulty ?? .... is there a fix for this ??
> None that I'm aware of. :^( I suppose that you could add an "AT
level" slider/knob like my D-50 used to have, but that would only fix
half the problem (the light pressure).
A couple of common workarounds:
1) On the AN1x, you can scale the AT amount in the Ctrl Matrix per
Voice but, this has no affect on the AT values which appear at the
MIDI Out port :-(
2) Many current multitimbral hardware modules (samplers, ROMplers,
synths, etc.) allows AT reception to be disabled per channel - while
on older modules you might be limited to disabling AT globally. I use
this trick on my sampler - disable AT reception at the Track level.
3) Some brands of multiport MIDI Interfaces, or MIDI Patchbays (not
so popular these days?!), allow AT to be filtered at the Port level.
I know some old, out of production, Opcode Interfaces allow these
type of settings. On the lower end of the price spectrum the catch
was that filtering only worked WHILE connected to an active host
computer. On the higher end models this type of setting could be
retained in memory of the Interface itself without being connected to
a host computer. You might want to check out some current models.
4) You can easily filter and/or scale MIDI Event data once recorded
into your favorite DAW/MIDI Sequencer (LOGIC, CUBASE, SONAR,