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Subject: [AN1x] Re: looking for AN1x

From: "Jon <jondl_2000@...>" <jondl_2000@...>
Date: 2003-02-18

--- In, "Linuxmanvan <linuxmanvan@y...>"
<linuxmanvan@y...> wrote:
> Its dollars, and these guys are a bunch of electric piano and
> snobs, if its not a triton they dont touch it.
> I might try to haggle with them on it, if i decide i want it. I
have a
> n an200 now so i really dont need it. I just could not believe they
> had one. When i say its mint , its like its never been touched, heck
> it wasnt even plugged in.

Just a thought...that AN1x is probably a 'floor model', right? That
means it will be sold 'as new' including the standard 1 yr. Warranty
which, IMHO, is probably worth the $50-100 over 2nd hand prices. The
AN1x had few hardware bugs/defects ∗but∗ with a warranty you could
have them addressed by Yamaha at no extra charge to you - and
probably get an OS v1.04 EPROM out of them too!

