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Subject: [AN1x] Re: MY NAMM REPORT!

From: "Jon <jondl_2000@...>" <jondl_2000@...>
Date: 2003-01-28

--- In, Elson Trinidad <elson@w...>
> At 12:04 PM 1/25/03 +0000, you wrote:
> >Do you have any comments on the V-synth as it relates to
lead sounds?
> >(The kinds of things VA's and modelling synths do well ...
> >timbre in real time).
> You know, the full concept of the V-Synth hasn't really hit me
yet. I
> wasn't floored, but I know there's much more under the hood.

Isn't the V-Synth a hybrid of the VariPhrase technology Roland
was pushing two years ago along with an XV type synth?

> > Does it have a mod matrix for example?
> I'm sure there is! If not, it's a big ripoff! :)

'Mod Matrix' is an ambiguos term that means different things to
different manufacturers. The AN1x has a semi-fixed Mod Matrix
as opposed to the 'old' Oberheims which had unbridled mod
routings. No doubt the V-Synth is in line with recent Roland

> >Also did
> >you see much in the way of improvement of VA technology on
the whole
> >at NAMM?
> Not REALLY, but if ever there was a successor to our beloved
AN1x, I'd have
> to hand the crown to the Alesis can't hear any
stepping, and it's
> phat-phatphiggedy-phiggedy-phat!!! Plus the casing is a lot
more stronger
> too :P
> Elson

There's a thread running on the LOGIC Users lisy
speculating/suggesting what the next soft synth from Emagic
should be - the majority seem to favor a Physical Modeling synth
ala the Yamaha VL series ;-) Further refinement of current VA
technology is inevitable (and has already occured in seem part,
i.e., Waldorf & Access & Clavia) but the glut of vintage emualtions
for plugin synths is beginning to wear thin I think...jsut my

Elson, thanks again for the cool NAMM report - I really enjoyed
your web site. And your tracks are groovin' too!!!
