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Subject: Downloading from An1x-edit

From: "James Acker" <jacker@...>
Date: 2002-12-31


I played with an1x edit a while back but usually didn't have my An1x near the computer so it had been a while (had some problems earlier with MIDI and my soundcard too) but I got it working and now have the PC hooked up to the An1x all the time.
First, and I've said this before, An1x-edit is really a great tool. Lets me see and change things with an overview I just can't get manually tweaking the An1x.
I just had a very basic question...I can create patches and download them to the An1x, and play them. But I also like to collect certain patches in a new file...that I can do. But when I download all to the an1x, it seems when I turn off the unit and back on, I lose them.
I think I used to save the patches downloaded manually by hitting "save" on the an1x itself. But there must be a way I can save all 128 downloaded...I just haven't found it yet.

Anyone have the answer?

One other thing...Is there a way to init a new sound in the same manner as on the An1x where you can pick basic types 1-8 (bass, horns, etc,) ?



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