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----- Original Message -----
From: "spaceanimals" <alciere@...>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 13:33
Subject: [AN1x] My synth went nuts
> No more synth patch design for me. I turned on the portamento and the
> delay return went up to 127. I turned the filter knob and the sustain
> changed. I shut if off, left it for a day, came back, still weird.
> The sounds I have now sound fine. I can't tweak them. My guess is
> Yamaha never intended anyone to change all the patches and it's too
> much of a strain on the CPU. I can probably get everything to work
> fine if I perform the factory reset, but since I don't have AN1X edit
> and don't have my sounds backed up, this means I'll lose several
> years of work.
> I would expect a professional synthesizer to last ten years before
> messing up. I guess that's over optimistic.
> Rainbow Jimmy
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