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Subject: Re: tried it but still won't work

From: "WoofwoofX" <woofwoofx@...>
Date: 2002-11-14

Hi gary,
You don't need to change the RXCh on the AN1X each time you change
something on the MPC...
For ex. Put your AN1X RXCh to 1 (or 2) and leave it...
On AN1X TXch is only used if you want to control your MPC fom AN1X so
you can leave it at 1 in your case there's no need to even connect a
On the MPC you can use one MIDI output and assigne CH1 (or2) to TX
depending on the RXCh in AN1x and leave it on the sequences that
you're going to use.

So Now you have TXCh1A (MPC) on the part used to control the AN1X
RXCh1 (AN1X) in all your sequences.

But be aware that the sound will cut when you change so don't
expected to be lik continuous... because the Synth needs to change a
whole lot of parameters and effects when it changes the patch...

and bare in mind that Prog Change =000 could be equivalent to AN1X

Excuse My French

--- In AN1x-list@y..., "DJGaryB" <djgaryb@y...> wrote:
> I tried the suggestion you gave me but I'm still having a problem.
> To make it simple this is what I did.
> The AN1X is set to patch 002 the MIDI TX Ch is set to 1 the RX Ch
> also set to 1 and the Device number is also set to 1.
> On the MPC2000 I have the MIDI set to 1A Sequence 1 Track 1
> I entered F1 and inserted program change then set the number to 1
> Recorded something and it played.
> Step 2
> Went to sequence 2 on the MPC2000 and laid down the drum track on
> track 2, kept track 1 for the midi, set that to 2A, entered F1 and
> inserted program change then set the number to 2.
> Went to the AN1X and set the MIDI TX Ch to 2 and the RX Ch to 2 and
> set the Device number to 2 and used patch 003.
> Now this is where it gets tricky when I switch from sequence 2 to 1
> the sound that plays is patch 003 instead of 002.
> If there is any way that I can get this right please help me.
> Went experimenting on my own here now.
> MPC Seq 1 trk 1 midi 1a (prg 119 not the insert but from the main
> screen)
> AN1X MIDI TX Ch 1 RX Ch 1 Device 1
> MPC Seq 2 trk 1 midi 2a prg 118 (same as above)
> AN1X MIDI TX Ch 2 RX Ch 2 Device 2
> When I did this the sounds changed but there was a delay in the
> switch, what should I do here now to correct this?