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Subject: Re: A Newbie with stupid questions!!!!! (and not afraid to ask)

From: "Jon" <jondl_2000@...>
Date: 2002-11-05

Hello Stu,

--- In AN1x-list@y..., "stu_burger" <stu_burger@y...> wrote:
> Hi A few weeks ago I stated I was the newest An1x user on the
> well I have a new terratec soundcard and cubasis(both not
> yet) although I have connected the An1x to my computer using
the midi
> leads that came with the card and am using the shitty "riptide
> card" that was standard with my HP computer.
> I have a pirate copy of Cubase vst 5(ssshhh!!!!) and have been
> recording notes into tracks. Thats about it!

A word to the wise: Many, not all - but many, of the more heavily
frequented message boards frown upon the use of pirate
software and will direct their opinion towards _you_ in a manner
not to be mistaken for anything else ;-) You don't want to be
asking for support on cracked software - stick to your legit
Cubasis and Terratec Soundcard.

That said...

> I notice that the sounds coming out of the shitty little Polk Audio
> speakers are not the sounds from the An1x. They are little
> game kind of midi noises that you hear on shitty websites
> movies stars.

You've probably already read Ed's reply. The MIDI Output of your
Track in Cubase is misdirected towards the MIDI Input of the GM
Soundset on your internal soundcard. This might be easily
corrected by selecting the your AN1x as the output device or you'll
need to reconfigure at a higher level. My advice is to ditch the
krack and install Cubasis and the new sound card - the manual
should contain detailed configuration examples.

> Could someone further my development in this and advise me
if this
> should be happening or or whether i should be hearing exactly
> the An1x should be playing. I have the An1x set to local off(as
> advised by Cubase).

I encourage you to visit where you will find a number of well
written beginner and intermediate articles on MIDI and

> Cheers. any other info would be much appreciated also. I
have only
> had a couple of goes at this so far. Am still impressed that I
> the computer to play the correct notes out any way!
> Also I noticed that the An1x controls 'Rebirth'. Where can I find
> information on what key does what in Rebirth as I want to use
> intuitively live with the AN1X.

Couple of further items...the default MIDI CCs for the AN1x
Assign knobs are 41-48. Under preference in ReBirth you can
assign the MIDI CC of your choice to the parameter you wish to
control in ReBirth. This is explained in the ReBirth manual too.
Be aware that neither ReBirth or the AN1x output MIDI Clock
signals so you will need a third device or host application, such
as Cubasis, to output a clock signal to syncronize the two for 'live'

