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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Patches

From: Peter Korsten <peterk@...>
Date: 2000-06-08

mango shared with us:
> I can't believe that with so many members only so little send patches to
> the list. :)
> Do you people not program your AN1x ? :) It's not a rompler you know....
> ;)

Yeah, right. Smartass. :)

The trouble is that, apart from the fact that I don't have much
time, my MIDI system is seriously screwed up. I may need to re-
install Windows NT and that takes me a day - no kidding.

Actually, I'm waiting for mLAN, Socket A/KZ266 mainboards, G800
videoboards - in other words, I want a new PC - and last but not
least, a shitload of money to buy it all. The latter might prove
a bit difficult.

- Peter