Hello, fellow list-members, i found this today on the sonicstate.com
review site for the AN1x.
Someone has an idea, how to fix his problem, maybe?
Regards, Tom
alex matson a professional user from boulder, CO writes:
Help! I'm not having any success getting the AN1X to sync to our
drummer's Roland DR-770 drum machine. I've gotten to the point where
the drum machine is triggering the AN1x, but it's controlling what
notes are being played and overriding the AN1X's
arppegiations/patterns. I also don't want the drum machine sending
out Note On messages. All I want is the tempos to be synced, so I can
turn on and off arps/patterns when I want to. I've been over both
manuals, and stared at the MIDI implementation chart for the AN1X,
but have no idea how to use it, as I'm a live player who hasn't used
MIDI at all up to this point. I'm leaving for a tour Thursday
afternoon. Several of you on this list were kind enough to help me
with downloading sounds - thank you all very much! - and a little
further assistance with this problem should set me straight. Please
email me - I know it can't be that hard to do! I seems like such a
basic idea, I'm amazed the manuals don't make it clear. Thanks a lot!