Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer mailing list

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Subject: Re: Really POed at EX5Tech (was Re: [AN1x] Online patch database ideas..

From: Peter Korsten <peterk@...>
Date: 2002-09-14

idealordid wrote:

> We at the EX5 tech board are a little jealous of you AN1X members
> (since our AN1X emulator is monophonic) and I am still not sure just
> how accurately the patches translated never actually having heard an
> AN1X playing the real patch!

Not all of us... some of us have both an EX5 (the silver one, in my
case) and an AN1x. :)

Anyway, the air has been cleared now, or so it seems, but I'm a bit
surprised that this became an issue to begin with. After all, this list
is for all Yamaha AN modelling synths - and that includes the EX series.

- Peter