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Subject: Re: [AN1x] Re: Yamaha 1997 screen stuck at startup

From: "Spaceboy44" <Spaceboy44@...>
Date: 2002-09-09

Jon, Thanks for the reply. I have indeed tried the factory init. with no luck. I also have the correct AC power adapter.
I think it will take a technician to fix this one.

The seller and myself are sending it back to UPS since we bought insurance
on the thing,. I guess UPS will look at it and tell us its not there fault and send it back.
But we did buy the insurance so what the heck.

Thanks again
Bummed in Pittsburgh :-(
----- Original Message -----
From: jondl_2000
Sent: Monday, September 09, 2002 2:43 AM
Subject: [AN1x] Re: Yamaha 1997 screen stuck at startup

--- In AN1x-list@y..., "astro442002" <Spaceboy44@a...> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> Just bought this board off ebay. Got it today and powered it up.
> The only problem, is that it says YAMAHA 1997 on the LCD,
and thats
> it. no sound no led's no nothing. I have pushed every button
> turned every knob. Please help. wwwwhhhaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! :-(

This is not good :-(

Have you reinitialized the unit yet? Power of your AN1x. Hold
down the '7', '8', & '9' buttons simultaneously, power on the AN1x.
Following the 'Welcome' messages you should receive a Prompt
'Fact Set? [1-9]' - select 9 for 'all' and reply Yes. Your AN1x
should be reset to the default factory settings. If this doesn't work
double check the External AC Power Adaptor has the correct
specifications. Yamaha supplied model PA-3b withthe AN1x - it
is widely available from most any Yamah dealer and is
inexpensive. The specs are:

INPUT AC Voltage 120V 60Hz

If the AC Adaptor is incorrect this might also result in a system
error. If neither a reset or the correct AC Adapter corrects the
error then your AN1x may well need service. In the event of the
latter you may want to take some action with the previous owner
to ensure a mutually satisfactory transaction for both parties.

Did you receive a manual and a copy of the data list with your
AN1x? you'll these and many other resources in the Files section
here at Yahoo! Groups

Hope this helps - let us know how it works out.



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