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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Blank LCD

From: "Martijn" <soundfilerecords@...>
Date: 2000-06-06

yep same here (blank display)

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: Peter Korsten <peterk@...>
Aan: <>
Datum: dinsdag 6 juni 2000 15:06
Onderwerp: Re: [AN1x-list] Blank LCD

>Edwards, Ed shared with us:
>> Does anyone experience the LCD going blank (like empty)? It happens from
>> remote MIDI data, and not necessarily data sent to that AN's active
>> The AN continues to play, but there's no patch displayed on the panel.
If I
>> hit any button, the display returns. Anyone else?
>Not really, though I had something similar. I think there is some
>MIDI loop inside my PC (beats me why) and the display went blank
>when MIDI was sent. Actually, it was flashing very fast.
>My AN1x had been acting more and more weird over time, but a factory
>reset solved the problems. However, if it's on for a while now,
>the right channels crackles and then disappears (I've had this
>problem before).
>I suggest that you make a backup of your AN1x, and then perform a
>factory reset. See if that solves your problem. Now someone please
>tell us how a factory reset was performed again. :)
>- Peter
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