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Subject: Re: [AN1x] Re:(OT) OTHER SYNTH/ EMS VCS3

From: terryfunken@...
Date: 2002-07-24

In a message dated 24/7/02 9:14:14 am, sidstation@... writes:

>i like the droid. i thought about droid to make my litlle friend;)
>what is the ems vcs3? never heard of it. is there a webpage of it ?
NEVER HEARD OF THE VCS3?!?!?!?!- Christ- the kids of today LOL!!
Well it was designed in 1965 by David Cockrell (The man behind Akai's most
sucessful Sampler range- S-900/950/1000/1100). Electronic Music Studios- or
EMS for short- were (and still are) Britain's most sucessful synthesiser
manufacturers. It was that synth which was resposible for pretty much all the
BBC's Radiophonic material all the way through the 60's, 70's and 80's.

Basically the EMS VCS3 is a small modular synthesiser, but instead of
patchcords, it had a 16x16 pinboard matrix- meaning you could do totally
crazy patches- making sounds that would literally take your head right off!
The basic machine had NO KEYBOARD, but a Joystick instead- Past masters
include; Pierre Henry, Brian Eno, Pink Floyd, Delia Derbyshire/ David
Vorhaus- White Noise, Faust, Kraftwerk, Jean Michel Jarre, Tangerine Dream,
and later, Sonic Boom, Howie B, Coldcut, Stereolab, Aphex Twin, Atom Heart
and hundreds more!

check out;

Alternatively just put EMS VCS3 into the search engine!!

IMO this is how ALL synths should be made- and as soon as I have 2 grand to
burn, I will buy one of these beauties!!

Tom :-)