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Subject: Re: ribbon assign centering

From: "jondl_2000" <jondl_2000@...>
Date: 2002-07-19

--- In AN1x-list@y..., "pixie130672" <frederic.chen@w...> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I know it's been asked before but couldn't see any answers.
> my prob is the following .
> When assigning cut off to ribbon-X controller in the matrix
> routing, the ribbon position never acts the same.
> according to the operation manual it should hold its position
> being released and not go center ( operation manual p75).
> Well, at least in my case, it's not true, sometime the cutoff
> assigned ribbon keeps its position sometimes it reset to
> a few patches tend to be more "reset centered" than "held to
> their last ribbon position", but you never know.
> When the performance goes through editing (neither-ribbon
nor cuttof
> related editings BTW) these "tendencies" might swap to one
> Am I missing anything, has anybody noticed the same problem
> thx for your help
> fred

Hi Fred,

Yes, I've managed to recreate your problem as described. Very
odd indeed.

I leave my AN1x in Mode 2 99% of the time so I thought perhaps
the problem was specific to Mode 2. I rebooted my AN1x into
Mode 1 and the problem disappeared. My edited voice retained
the Filter Cutoff value when I removed my finger from the Ribbon.

I rebooted back into Mode 2 and the problem did NOT reappear,
i.e., the voice behaved correctly with the Ribbon X assigned to
Filter Cutoff. Very strange?!?! Guess the problem is not specific
to Mode 1 or 2.

So I edited another voice - making the identical Matrix
assignment - and of course it did not work! The Filter Cutoff
setting returned to 'center' whenever I removed my finger from
the controller. Aaargh!

So, I powered off and on my AN1x and the problem disappeared
- again. BUT once I issued a program change the problem
reappeared! Very confusing...I rebooted BACK into Mode 1 and
the behavior was identical to Mode 2.

I'm at a loss to explain this irradicate behavior :-( Perhaps we
need to report this to Yamaha.

As a work around I suggest you use the Ribbon controller only
for dynamic changes and assign the Mod Wheel or an Assign
Knob to the same parameter when you require a fixed value.

When I have time I'll boot up LOGIC AUDIO and place a Monitor
into my Environment Layer to see what MIDI CC's are coming
and going - and maybe test with LOCAL=OFF too.

