Hello there.
I am proudly presenting my new redesigned web site, <A HREF="
I redesigned the older site from the ground up, and besides the new
attractive look, it features new online resumes, and an updated music demo
New music demos are added almost daily now so if you see a link in there that
doesn't work yet, chances are I'm uploading it as you click.
We have freshly made music and sound design demos waiting to be uploaded so
check back often!
We also have a newly made Demo CD and an upcoming DVD demo.
The DVD demo will include full versions and excerpts of the music in 24 bit
audio surround sound!
The DVD will also include videos from recent performances and sound design
projects in full.
Don't forget that the site has a dedicated comments page to send us your
feedback, which will end up posted in the comments page.
And last, please help us pass the word out, and send a link to our web site
to who ever you think is going to be interested.
Take care,
Eitan Teomi, Composer/Sound Artist.
<A HREF="www.handheldsound.com">www.handheldsound.com</A>
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