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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Re: EX5 again

From: "Peter Korsten" <peterk@...>
Date: 2000-06-04

From: <tomfinegan@...>

> > I just wanted to clarify that calling a synthesiser merely a
> > "rompler" doesn't give proper credit to such a phantastically
> > sounding piece of gear like the EX5.
> LOL...okok, i believe you. ;) You made me curious, do you have some
> MP3´s with the EX5 in action, for download?

Yes, I'm slow in replying.

Have a look here:

I know there should be a few more, but I can't seem to find them at the

Anyway, I like the "EX files", although it touches just a small subset of
the EX5. The other one, "Zsa zsa", does have a nice modelled trumpet though.
And keep in mind that this thing can sample... not all it is from the
internal ROM.

- Peter