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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Yamaha Sound Disks (was:Re: An1x edit)

From: "Grant Davies" <grant@...>
Date: 2000-06-02

Does anyone have know where I can get some good distored drum and bass style basses for the an1x.. I'm sure you know the kind I mean, dark, slight distortion, very aggresive... I need a patch or two for my session tonight if not for the An1x, does anyone know of any samples on the web or drum and bass, distorted bass patches for a nord, or korg prophecy
----- Original Message -----
From: mango
Sent: Friday, June 02, 2000 10:46 AM
Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Yamaha Sound Disks (was:Re: An1x edit)

Hey, don't you all like my patches!? ;) just kidding, but there is some
truth to it aswell...
i bet, that if we all do our best to make some good patches, that there will
be many many
good ones to get from our own archives... And they're free at any time...
What more do you want.. :) ...and the patch archive is only getting bigger
and bigger...

Sidenote: By the way, Tom (Finegan), i had to say that i really liked some
of the patches in your dir... They're way different from mine, and i would
be having trouble making them as you do, but they are really really
excellent, i like them way much.... :)


jondl@... schreef:

> I haven't heard these new Sound Disks.  Are there any demo's
> available?  What's the URL?
> I did purchase the 'Wired' Voice Set for AN1x about a year ago from
> the Yamaha UK site.  At that time the conversion rate was such that
> it cost me $22 U.S.  It was sent via email as a .mid file.  The
> Voices were good - not spectacular.  Certainly not worth more than I
> paid.  I noticed a few of them crept into one of the older .an1 files
> floating around the 'net.  Think it was the "adaptations" voice set -
> I may be mistaken :-/
>  Jon

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