In a message dated 23/5/02 6:44:03 pm,
jondl_2000@... writes:
>There have been frequent posts regarding the AN1x and Logic
>Environments - I've replied to each of them with the best advice I
>could possibly provide - and yet somehow you repeatedly insist
>each situation is identical to your own when the circumstance
>clearly differ. Have you read or try ANY of the advice provided? I
>cannot tell from any of your posts to the list.
>Joining a mailing list does not 'entitle' you to anything. We're all
>doing the best we can and it behooves you to work with us or
>give it a rest.
Please don't belittle me. If I had the money to be able to experiment a bit
more, then I would. Yes I did try your examples- but if you can remember,
your suggestions were that I try using a serial interface instead of a USB
one. My reply to that was that I get exactly the same results with that
combination too. What baffles me- is that using my Nord Modular running with
a USB interface-and that makes huge strings of sysex, I have NO problem- but
it DOES have a seperate line in and out for it's editor (unlike the AN1x).
I think one of the major outcomes to this is that I am using a Mac and not a
PC- and I don't think the Mac version of the AN1x edit is as reliable as the
PC version (I always become immeadiately suspicious when software made for PC
has been ported over to work on a Mac)- I mean NO ONE came back and told me
that they have no problems using the Editor with their Mac. When I tried the
AN edit- sending info TO the synth- I didn't have too much of a problem
(although I still get that error prompt from time to time)- It was when I
came to uploading to the editor- that's where nothing happened.
Your other suggestion was to use the Logic Enviroment as an editor. Well
that's fine, but I get really bored with having to import enviroments all the
time. I wanted to upload in the first place as opposed to just downloading.