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Subject: Re: [AN1x] How do you use the step sequencer

From: "Ed Edwards" <edward.edwards@...>
Date: 2002-05-19

Now here's where the AN1x Edit program is essential, IMHO.
Trying to use the knobs and buttons is stupid when you've got the editor. Like
Erkki said, begin by observing one of the factory patterns. Copy it and use the
editor to change it a little - just to learn how. Then, once you've got this
technique down, try using the editor for the Free Envelope generator to march
along with your sequence.

This is why the AN1x kicks the butt off of a lot of other VA synths. Sure, like
Bruce said, it's a limited sequencer... but think of it in some ways as more of
a programmable arpeggiator.

Ed Edwards
Leader: Ezekiel's Wheel »»»»Retro-Progressive Rock««««