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Subject: Re: [AN1x] Considering Buying an AN1X

From: terryfunken@...
Date: 2002-05-16

In a message dated 15/5/02 5:18:01 pm, basscount@... writes:

>Does it have a vocoder? and Can i
>hook it up to a midi contoller like the Evolution?

No and Yes

Why does everyone want vocoders????

The bass on the AN1x is like no other va bass. It has a very 'yamaha' sound-
remember the DX11?- i don't want to recommend it because i want that sound
all for myself!!

One thing it does do-which the only other synth i can think of does, is the
minimoog- is, the ability to feedback the output back into the filter- how
much bass do u need???- it ends up sounding like my bass cones are buckling

I only tried the ms2000 once- i didn't know what all the fuss was about-
although i have heard some people do some remarkable music with it.

The bottom line is, all early jungle was done with say an Akai s950 or s1000-
a few james brown breaks and a sine tone- buy it (the AN1x) and make it work
for you.

enough said.