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Subject: Re: [AN1x] real instuments sound?

From: Peter Korsten <peterk@...>
Date: 2002-04-12

On Thu, 11 Apr 2002 20:19:27 -0000 "cubit0" wrote:

> Can I make real instruments sounds with the an1x.
> Where can I hear any midi, mp3, cd, or any kind of sample of the
> sonds created with the an1x.

Ouch! "Real" instruments - I suppose you mean acoustic instruments? An
instrument is a device that creates sounds you can use to create music,
and the AN1x is as real as any other.

As for acoustic sounds, that's not the AN1x's forte. You can get very
nice sounds out of it, and some strings and woodwinds could almost pass
for the real thing. But many sounds - and this includes acoustic piano,
and acoustic and electric guitars - are impossible to reproduce with
substractive synthesis.

You'd be looking for a sample player or for a virtual acoustic instrument
(like Yamaha's VL1 from the mid-nineties). The latter one produces
stunning results, but at the price of low polyphony, and, well, the price
of the unit.

- Peter

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