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Subject: Re: OT: Yamaha Debuts New Open Plug-in Technology

From: "jondl_2000" <jondl_2000@...>
Date: 2002-04-03

--- In AN1x-list@y..., "Gary Gregson" <gary@y...> wrote:
> VST/VSTi and DXi formats are primarily Audio plugin formats.
> handling of MIDI is actually quite limited.
> OPT is primarily designed to provide MIDI plugins to third party
> sequencers. i.e. it is not competitive to VSTi/DXi, but
> From Yamahas viewpoint the overall aim is to simplify the
integration of
> external hardware into third party sequencer environments i.e.
to make
> external hardware as seamless to use as softsynths.
> OPT provides access to client sequencer MIDI services
(including direct
> access to events stored within sequencer tracks, timing
> MIDI ports and transport/status functions etc).
> OPT is divided into 3 levels of support:

I don't mean to sound facetious but this appears to be similar to
the Environment in Logic Audio. Is this based upon the old CAL
language from Cakewalk?

> Level 1 - Panels: Basic control panels that can transmit data
via client
> sequencers MIDI ports. e.g. simple device editors/librarians
> Level2 - Processors: Access to client real-time and offline
> queues. Allows automation of Level 1 panels plus
real-time/offline MIDI
> effect effects (arpeggiators, tempo delays,
auto-accompaniments etc)
> Level3 - Views: Direct access to client track, block event
> (including master track and selections etc). This allows editors
to be
> written that can do almost anything a native sequencer editor
can do
> (e.g List views, Piano rolls etc). However it is intended that
views be
> supplied that augment the features of existing client editors (for
> example Yamaha has a list view that utilises an OPT database
> to interpret all Yamaha device sysex, NRPNs, RPNs etc into
plain English
> parameters. So instead of seeing F0 43 4C.... etc you see:
> Effect: Amp Simulation). In this way you can edit the
parameters in a
> more intuitive way, rather than attempting to perform rocket
science on
> meaningless bytes! Furthermore the view can perform search
back, such
> that it can interpret data contextually (e.g. come up with the
> parameter name and values for a given effect program).
> Similarly you can write complex device editors that can both
extract and
> insert MIDI setup data directly to client tracks etc. Essentially I
> could write a version of XGedit/An1xEdit that runs within your
> and stores all data directly to the sequencers tracks. No need
for Hubi
> pipes or import/export of MIDI files!

Okay, now I'm beginning to see some separation but, again, this
reminds me of a 'universal' version of Logic Control. Perhaps I'm
conceptualizing this incorrectly. Thanks for the details - I'll read
up on this some more.

> In the limit, using OPT can you can produce a totally modular
> where you can pick and choose which views/editors you want
and tailor
> them to your setup!

Analagous to Screen Sets...?

> The OPT SDK is available under a royalty free license from
Yamaha. For a
> copy contact: sibazaki@e...
> Regards
> Gary Gregson
> Email:gary@y...


> -----Original Message-----
> From: jondl_2000 [mailto:jondl_2000@y...]
> Sent: 03 April 2002 16:56
> To: AN1x-list@y...
> Subject: [AN1x] OT: Yamaha Debuts New Open Plug-in
> FYI - there's a Press Release on Harmony Central regarding
> Yamaha's OPT
> nology.html
> I don't quite understand what benefit this offers that isn't
> accounted for via MIDI, VST FX and VSTi's? Hmm...
> Jon