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Subject: OT: Yahoo! Spam

From: "jondl_2000" <jondl_2000@...>
Date: 2002-04-01

A friend of mine from another mailing list passed this along and
sure engouh, the Marketing Preferences for my ID had indeed
been set as descibed below. You might want to take a few
minutes and check your Yahoo! account. Apparently this info is
circulating amongst a few Yahoo! Groups so I apologize in
advance if you've already seen it.


Tip: if you ever need to register a complaint to Yahoo! regarding a
malfunctioning feature - go to the HELP section, locate the
related Topic via the index, and use the NO button on the prompt
for 'Was this information useful?'- you'll be presented with a
generic problem report form to submit. They may not
acknoweldge your complaint - but at least someone somewhere
will have an inbox eventually fill up and they'll have to take notice
of THAT ha haha ;-P

> ======
> I've just been alerted by a friend that Yahoo have just made a
> change to everybody's 'Marketing Preferences', the result of
> will be a load of spam. So, I've just been in and changed back
> they've done so that I won't be receiving their ads! They had
> ALL of my ∗No's∗ to ∗Yes!∗
> Here's what you need to do:
> Go to My Groups and click on Account Info, verify your
password if it
> asks you to, and your Yahoo ID card comes up. Click on 'Edit
> Marketing Preferences' and change all those Yes's back to
No's! Click
> Save Changes.
> =======