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Subject: Re: [AN1x] kraftwerk

From: terryfunken@...
Date: 2002-03-31

In a message dated 31/3/02 9:14:20 pm, alciere@... writes:

>I was listening to Kraftwerk coming into town. I'm always amazed at
>the sounds those guys got. The synths do seem to be run through some
>kind of effect though. Is it a delay? a reverb? I've been told they
>took their whole Kling Klang studio on the road with them, so
>hopefully it wasn't a plate reverb.

Kraftwerk were in fact the first band I saw back in 1975- I went with my mum!
The gigs were (up until 1991) bone dry- not a reverb within earshot- and yes,
when the curtains drew back (on the Computer World tour)- It was like looking
at the starship enterprise- all in chrome!

Most of the sound (in the studio) was by Conrad Plank- I would guess that the
reverb was the real thing (a seperate room miked up) and the delay was
produced by a Revox A77.

btw the early gigs still had the same theme, except the screens were simply
made with stills projectors- and they still had the neon lights written with
their names at the front of the stage and the multicoloured flourescent strip
lights at the back- a theme they kept going until very recently. - I missed
those recent gigs- as I think they had lost the plot by then!
