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Subject: Re: Sysex Trouble

From: "Pete's Account" <peter.scullion@...>
Date: 2002-03-31


thanks for the reply but I'm not actually trying to record the data I'm just
trying to edit the sound, It's not just happening on delay time but other FX
parameters, its as if its kind of in a loop, like I'm changing the
parameter, it's being sent to Cubase, then being sent back to the AN! Why
has it decided to start now
> Message: 1
> Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2002 19:14:40 -0000
> From: "jondl_2000" <jondl_2000@...>
> Subject: Re: Sysex Trouble
> --- In AN1x-list@y..., "Pete's Account" <peter.scullion@t...> wrote:
> > No it happens on all the other effects parameters except depth!
> It is the
> > strangest thing as its never happened before. even stranger
> as I change the
> > delay time the messge flashs up, and the AN seems to be
> sending a stream of
> > Sysex making the sequencer slow down/sound break up.
> >
> Ooooh, duh! I get it now... :-P
> You are literally changing the Delay Time parameter while
> recording aren't you? Okay. Then the AN1x is indeed transmitting
> a SysEx stream to Cubase - and Cubase is dutifully recording
> the information and playing it back. If you go into Event List edit
> mode for that track in Cubase you'll see the SysEx stream. I
> created a simple AN1x and Drum Loop sequence in Logic Audio
> and recorded changes to the Dly time parameters to confirm this
> behavior.
> Here's the deal - - SysEx messages for ANY synth are
> considerably larger in size then MIDI CC events consequently
> they eat up ∗much more∗ bandwidth. When transmitting SysEx
> streams to any synth it stands a much better chance of success
> at slower tempos - the AN1x chokes easily on SysEx streams to
> begin with so it's no surprise to me that your AN1x is being
> overrun. (This is why I find it preferable to use MDI CC, RPNs,
> and NRPNs over SysEx.)
> I'm not certain why you feel it necessary to alter the Delay Time
> settings in real time but no doubt you have a reason. I would
> offer two suggestions as an alternative towards achieving
> similar results: 1) Stick with altering thr Delay Depth setting as
> mentioned - you can create wicked dub type effects - or - 2) Use
> the TempoDly instead which will allow you to sync to MIDI Clock -
> the delay time will then follow tempo changes in your Sequence
> (I assume this is what you are after?)
> I'll repeat myslef - IMO the performance you experience with your
> set-up will benefit immeasurably with a proper, multi-port MIDI
> Interface. Since you're already using Cubase I'd suggest you
> scope out their current product line. Unless I'm mistaken, their
> MIDIEX 8 model offesr some type of proprietary time stamp
> technology similar to those offered by Emagic (AMT) and MOTU
> (MTS). This would be beneficial in a kit with multiple hardware
> devices. Otherwsie, you'll probably get by just fine with their little
> 2x2 model...
> > Bizare as its never ever happened before, it is connected
> using a budget
> > MPU401 joystick adapter thing which has never given me any
> trouble before
> > accept, actually you have to make sure you switch the AN of
> before PC as it
> > 'zaps' the AN which sends up a 'signal not valid message' or
> something?
> >
> > Are there any decent (& cheapish) USB midi I/O's worth getting
> I have midi
> > on my Soundcard (SW1k) but use that to connect my sampler,
> (need midi I/O to
> > use editor otherwise would put te sampler as midi through) I've
> also heard
> > that USB Interfaces can be problematic with AN edit/bZone etc.
> >
> > I do hope my beloved synths not buggered, maybe it will be
> fine tommorow!
> regards,
> Jon
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