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Subject: AN1X: copy scene to scene question/morphing

From: A L <clubbedto@...>
Date: 2002-03-26

This is hopefully my last question before I get an
AN1X. I asked this question to another AN1X owner, but
he couldn't answer my question. Maybe I have more luck
with you guys!

My question is: How easy is it to copy one scene to
another scene? Can I, for example, without any problem
copy one scene from a certain patch to another patch
(scene 1). And then choose another scene, from a
completely different patch and copy it to scene 2 (in
the patch to which I copied the first sound). Can I
then morph between the two sounds that initially came
from two individual patches?

I hope my question was clear enough. Almost confused
myself there for a while ;)

Thanx in advance!


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