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Subject: Re: [AN1x] general questions

From: RayMaxer <digil@...>
Date: 2002-03-18

Umm ..
Yes - I somehow dislike that MIDI LED blinkings too .. (I have also a
Wavestation SR sending this stuff...)
As the LEDs which are blinking are "MIDI IN" Leds , you can't do anything in
Cubase to prevent it (it's the signal coming from Synth to Midi Interface...)

And it's not possible to switch it off in AN-1x...
The same thing goes with MIDI Clock - I like to have it going to all ports ,
so that synths like VIRUS,Q and XT got them for their LFO's/delays and so on
but it doesn't help visualizing MIDI interface either - all of the OUTS are
like ON all the time ...

A L wrote:

> Thanks, that's good to know. To be confuse
> me more than it confuse the sequencer. The MIDI-In led
> blinks like crazy because my DX7 sends Active Sensing,
> which sometimes makes it hard to analyze the incoming
> signals visually.
> Maybe there is a way to filter that in Cubase?
> Wish it was possible to turn it off in the synth
> though.
> /CJ
> >I can add that AN-1x sends Active Sense messages...
> >though it shouldn't confuse a sequencer ..
> >Ray
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