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Subject: Re: Programming

From: "jondl_2000" <jondl_2000@...>
Date: 2002-03-13

--- In AN1x-list@y..., "Pete's Account" <peter.scullion@t...> wrote:
> Firstly can I say thanks to Mr Tom Funken & Mr Jondl for the
speedy replys,
> Those links proved handy, all though I couldnt find the
Keyboard Magazine
> link suggested.

Here you go:

> I think I should of made my situation a little clearer, I have a
> undertanding of the synth 'bulding blocks' (VCA's VCF's etc.) &
> how to get a basic bass or string sound. What I would really
like is
> tips/advice on using the more 'advanced features' (?):
> Osc synch, FM, Pulse width modulation, morphing, step
sequencer, the
> control matrix (arpeggiator even)etc. and what type of sounds
can be created
> with these parameters.

Check out that series of articles from Keyboard.

> I have just discovered (thanks to the 'Mad Sounds' link) that you
> 'trick' the filter in to self-oscillation by wacking the resonance
right up,
> but it dosent always produce a note when you strike a key, any
ideas why
> not?

Try using a Key Track parameter.

> P.S is their really no LFO envelope or am I missing

I don't think we're on the same page - what do you mean LFO
Env? I've never seen a subtractive synth with an LFO Envelope?
Do you mean Depth control?

> P.P.S. has anybody checked the big news over @ the XG
factory sight looks
> intersting, maybe the SW1K's fx busses willl be seen as VST
plug-ins like
> I've dreamed of for ages, and just imagine no more having to
launch AN1X
> edit, XGedit, VST & bZone @ the same time!
> Thanks in advance once again

