--- In AN1x-list@y..., "Pete's Account" <peter.scullion@t...> wrote:
> Hello TerryFunken (& any others who can offer some
programming tips)
> Been reading through your AN1X reccomendation, and like you
am no longer
> creating D&B but have a love for the sounds/production,
unfortunatley I am
> some what a Novice with my AN1X & was wondering if youd be
so kind as to
> post up/send me some more tips, patches ect. as I feel it a bit
of a sin to
> just be tweaking presets, & my own programmed patches are
bearly skimming
> the surface of the AN.
You'll find links to online programmnig tutorials in the
Bookmarks section for the list here at Yahoo! Groups"
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AN1x-list/links IMO, the best of the
lot are the ones at Intermusic - and the Keyboard magazine
articles based on the freeware SoundForum synth from NI.
In addition, you'll find documention, PDFs and ∗many∗ free user
voices in the Files section:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AN1x-list/filesI suggest you take advantage of them! Also, the latter half of the
AN1x Owner's Manual contans an Appendix with Voice Creation
Examples that you might want to walk through. At the very least it
will help you become better acquainted with the AN1x voice