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Subject: Re: AN200 song edits - aaaargh

From: "ventilator_sda" <lex@...>
Date: 2002-03-07

Thanks, and yeah, this is all fine... but how to get the song data
back into the AN200?

I'm impressed with how talkative my Yamaha stuff is, but as far as I
understand, the AN200 will only accept individual or total
pattern/voice data, or a bulk dump.

What I don't know (I'm no MIDI wizard) is whether I can get into that
bulk dump and rearrange song data on the desktop (somehow!) then load
it back into the AN200?

- Ventilator

--- In AN1x-list@y..., "tompaulsen2002" <tompaulsen2002@y...> wrote:
> --- In AN1x-list@y..., "jondl_2000" <jondl_2000@y...> wrote:
> > Is it correct to assume the ∗∗200 series cannot export
> > a SMF?
> AFAIK, my DX200 doesn´t produce SMF in Song-Mode. But as you
> said, Jon, it shouldn´t be a problem to hook up the ∗∗200 to a
> sequencer (sw or hw doesn´t matter(i use a RS7k, works just great))
> and record the outgoing data. Yamaha instruments with MIDI are very
> talkative. The ∗∗200 series is no exception.