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Subject: Re: [AN1x] Re: Hello and help!

From: terryfunken@...
Date: 2002-03-07

In a message dated 7/3/02 3:29:51 am, jondl_2000@... writes:

>From your description I'll hazard a guess you are experiencing a
>MIDI Loop in your set-up. How is the AN1x Object defined in your
>Autoload environment? When using the AN1x as a bitimbral
>sound source (Layer = Dual) each Scene must be set to an
>individual MIDI Receive Channel (Rx Ch under UTILITY/SETUP.)
>Do the channel settings for your AN1x object in the environment
>match the Rx Ch settings in the AN1x Voice you are using?

Dear Jon and Phil

Yep I'm on OMS 2.3.7- because that's what Midiman suggested.
Is there an Opcode upgrade for 3.7?- I thought Opcode went bust?
I have considered an AMT8 but that relies sorely on drivers present
in LAP- and I also use a Nord Modular (which even wild horses won't
drag me away from!)- and that HAS to be used with OMS.

Jon, I'm using LAP 4.7.2 (which I have found more stable than 4.8)
The AN1x is defined individually as channel 15 and 16 respectively
in the environment. Yes the AN1x is set to dual in Layer and the receive
channels in UTILTY/SETUP as 15 and 16- I DO know what I am doing (just!)!,
And yes....the AN1x object matches the Rx Ch settings...
I have also experimented with the I/O filter settings as well- I'm not getting
any loops as I have through turned off (or is it on?..anyway I don't have
this problem
It's something I learnt when using Cubase on Atari)

Now I discover that OSX may not work with early G3's after all
(See company that are suing Apple right now!)
-I'm on a beige-platinum Artemis G3/ 333 rev C 256mb ram
- fitted with SCSI UW2, FW, USB, 2 HD's etc etc
the last (and greatest) in the beige series before Apple introduced
the Blue and White nightmare!!!

Oh yes My OS is 8.6.- although I'm now considering installing OS 9

I've experimented with the Modes 1 and 2- and still no difference
The firmware I upgraded on the AN1x is rev. 1.4- is there another update?

Looks like I may have to buy a Wintel box after all (just for the editing)!



>> b) Hanging notes when using Logic, but not when playing from
>an Akai MPC
>> (eh???)
>I've read your follow up emails on this thread and know you are
>using a MIDIMAN USB 2x2 MIDI Interface. Which version of OMS
>are you using? v2.3.7 or v2.3.8? Are you using the current
>MIDIMAN drivers for the 2x2? I know MIDIMAN was at one point
>pushing OMS v2.3.7 in favor of 2.3.8 but I also know that Opcode
>released a 'fix' specifically for their brand name USB MIDI
>Interfaces when using v2.3.7. I've always stuck to v2.3.8 and
>didn't think much of the MIDIMAN 2x2. I've had _marginally_ more
>success w/ an Opcode brand MIDIport 32 but ∗neither∗ worked
>with AN1xEdit OR other Mac freeware apps that rely on SysEx
>communication. MIDI Note and CC's were never a problem in
>Logic, or Vision DSP, but every now and again Logic would not
>'see' the Opcode USB MIDI Interface and I'd have to unplug/plug
>the MIDIport 32 :-( Didn't have THAT problem with the MIDIMAN
>though. Unfortunately, if you're going to use a non-Emagic USB
>MIDI Interface with Logic you have to use OMS.
>I've switched tback o an Opcode Studio 128x MIDI Inteface
>(non-USB) for my current set-up. I'm no longer using OMS w/
>Logic. I use the 128x in MTP emulation mode and rely on the
>internal drivers within Logic. I use OMS ∗only∗ for IAC
>communication from/to Logic - and very seldom at that.
>Eventually I'll switch to an all Emagic set-up as same brand
>compatibilty seems to be where it's at on the Mac right now -
>sigh :-( RANT: It seems that we took a big step backwards when
>Gibson dismantled Opcode and support for OMS (and us users!)
>were abandoned. Hopefully this siuation will improve when OS X
>MIDI apps become wide spread. Word has it that Core Audio
>services under OS X will offer native mLAN support - yea!!! END
>I know that Emagi'c SoundDiver offers an Ed/Lib module for the
>AN1x but the demo doesn't permit much in the way of MIDI
>communication so I found testing it ito be frustrating (aside from
>trying out the user interface.) There is at least one user on this
>list who has had success with the AMT8, AN1xEdit, and an iMac
>via USB.
>> c) since I lost the Data book long ago, I read somewhere about
>> modes that the AN1x operated in- could a difference between
>Mode one and two
>> be the answer?
>Doubtful. Mode 1 and Mode 2 differ only that Mode 2 uses
>'standard' MIDI CC assignments for a handful of useful AN1x
>parameters where as in Mode 2 Yamaha provided a MIDI CC
>assignment for most every AN1x parameter - meaning it can be
>(almost) fully automated. MIDI Tx and Rx ch for Scenes is not
>affected by the Mode selection. BTW - the PDF manuals can be
>had for free from Yamaha or the Files sction here at Yahoo!