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>From your description I'll hazard a guess you are experiencing aDear Jon and Phil
>MIDI Loop in your set-up. How is the AN1x Object defined in your
>Autoload environment? When using the AN1x as a bitimbral
>sound source (Layer = Dual) each Scene must be set to an
>individual MIDI Receive Channel (Rx Ch under UTILITY/SETUP.)
>Do the channel settings for your AN1x object in the environment
>match the Rx Ch settings in the AN1x Voice you are using?
>> b) Hanging notes when using Logic, but not when playing from
>an Akai MPC
>> (eh???)
>I've read your follow up emails on this thread and know you are
>using a MIDIMAN USB 2x2 MIDI Interface. Which version of OMS
>are you using? v2.3.7 or v2.3.8? Are you using the current
>MIDIMAN drivers for the 2x2? I know MIDIMAN was at one point
>pushing OMS v2.3.7 in favor of 2.3.8 but I also know that Opcode
>released a 'fix' specifically for their brand name USB MIDI
>Interfaces when using v2.3.7. I've always stuck to v2.3.8 and
>didn't think much of the MIDIMAN 2x2. I've had _marginally_ more
>success w/ an Opcode brand MIDIport 32 but ∗neither∗ worked
>with AN1xEdit OR other Mac freeware apps that rely on SysEx
>communication. MIDI Note and CC's were never a problem in
>Logic, or Vision DSP, but every now and again Logic would not
>'see' the Opcode USB MIDI Interface and I'd have to unplug/plug
>the MIDIport 32 :-( Didn't have THAT problem with the MIDIMAN
>though. Unfortunately, if you're going to use a non-Emagic USB
>MIDI Interface with Logic you have to use OMS.
>I've switched tback o an Opcode Studio 128x MIDI Inteface
>(non-USB) for my current set-up. I'm no longer using OMS w/
>Logic. I use the 128x in MTP emulation mode and rely on the
>internal drivers within Logic. I use OMS ∗only∗ for IAC
>communication from/to Logic - and very seldom at that.
>Eventually I'll switch to an all Emagic set-up as same brand
>compatibilty seems to be where it's at on the Mac right now -
>sigh :-( RANT: It seems that we took a big step backwards when
>Gibson dismantled Opcode and support for OMS (and us users!)
>were abandoned. Hopefully this siuation will improve when OS X
>MIDI apps become wide spread. Word has it that Core Audio
>services under OS X will offer native mLAN support - yea!!! END
>I know that Emagi'c SoundDiver offers an Ed/Lib module for the
>AN1x but the demo doesn't permit much in the way of MIDI
>communication so I found testing it ito be frustrating (aside from
>trying out the user interface.) There is at least one user on this
>list who has had success with the AMT8, AN1xEdit, and an iMac
>via USB.
>> c) since I lost the Data book long ago, I read somewhere about
>> modes that the AN1x operated in- could a difference between
>Mode one and two
>> be the answer?
>Doubtful. Mode 1 and Mode 2 differ only that Mode 2 uses
>'standard' MIDI CC assignments for a handful of useful AN1x
>parameters where as in Mode 2 Yamaha provided a MIDI CC
>assignment for most every AN1x parameter - meaning it can be
>(almost) fully automated. MIDI Tx and Rx ch for Scenes is not
>affected by the Mode selection. BTW - the PDF manuals can be
>had for free from Yamaha or the Files sction here at Yahoo!