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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] AN2x Wishlist :)

From: tomfinegan@...
Date: 2000-05-23

--- In, jondl <jondl@j...> wrote:
[Elson´s Wishlist]
[Jon´s Wishlist]

> Regards,
> Jon

Hm, to me it seems that some of the features can be easily fullfilled
with a new OS-system update. What a shame, the AN1x doesn´t has Flash-
ROM´s...which would be the next point on my wishlist for a new ANxx.
What about the User Interface? More knobs and sliders? Bigger display
(more UI means also higher price)?
What would musicians to see on a new one, who want to gig with it?
A slot to save sounds on smart-cards? Better, maybe bigger keyboard?