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Subject: Re: [AN1x] Re: Digital popping noise problem with AN1x

From: Scott Carr <scott@...>
Date: 2002-03-04

Info is here:

if the above link fails (you may need to 2 copies - one from each line
pasted swquentially into your browser window)

login to your Yahoo Groups account + go to the AN1x list then files then
tips + tricks then AN1x Makes an audible "Popping" & "Clicking" at

Hope this helps


Phil wrote:
> Hi Neil,
> I purchased my AN1x around three years ago and within a month I was back at
> the store complaining about the snap, crackle, and pops - only to be told it
> was a known issue, and nothing could be done. (I've since learnt it's likely
> a matter of an OS update - see archive, or Jon's advice).
> One thing that seemed to be apparent is the crackles were related to patches
> I'd recently been playing with. From a few tests, it appeared that if my
> AN1x was switched off while still audible (such as the long sustain of a
> string patch, or an ongoing arp or step sequence performance), the patch
> became corrupted during power down.
> No-one on the list has confirmed my observations, but by ensuring the synth
> is silent before shutting down, I haven't haven't experienced a crackle
> since.
> Coincidence? Who knows, but worth a try.
> Phil
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