> - Peter--- In AN1x-list@egroups.com, "Peter Korsten" <peterk@i...>
> But to improve the AN1x, you need more processing power, and
therefore more
> DSP's. Unless they have developed a faster generation of DSP's
(which is a
> huge investment in itself), the price of the machine would rise
I don´t agree. I don´t know how the situation was in 1997, but
nowadays companies use standard DSP´s and not self-developed chips
anymore. And since DSP´s are developing like Intel, Motorola or AMD-
CPU´s faster and bigger and better each 8 months (or was it 3???) and
they usually sell in big quantities, i don´t believe that a synth
with a set of modern DSP´s would automatically be more expensive.
And the price the AN1x has right now is because it´s C-stock. When it
came out it did cost also over $1000.
But i have thought about your arguments, and about the features
everyone posted here. And i really must admit, why would we want
another ANxx, when other companies, like Novation, Access or Waldorf
already fullfilled all our wishes? The Q, Nova, Nord3 and Virus b are
capable of all these things. And they are available!
And in a way, all these things the AN1x is lacking off, doesn´t this
create also the special charme of this blue synth? You have to find
ways to work around, and when you do, you create sounds you never
expected to hear.
> People buy romplers, because they're sl-round and provide instant
> satisfaction.
Hm, that´s true, but do we really need a new ROMpler for that?
Wouldn´t a good sampler and new Sample-CD´s fullfill the same? (I
know, that´s why Yamaha made the new AX000 Sampler series ;)
> The CS6x is an interesting development, because it sports some
> features over the competition. Most notable are the two PLG slots.
Hm, for me basically the CS6x is nothing else than a JX305 with a
phrase-sampler and these, agreed, interesting PLG-IN concept.
It´s a Groovesynth...basically. When you read the critics for it on
Sonicstate, you mostly hear: "Great for Trance".
What i think is more astounding about the CS6x is the price and the
quality of the sounds in it. More low-price DSP-power and bigger low-
price memory-chips show their effect on the quality of synths. That´s
why Roland introduced their XV-Synthline with 64MB ROM-card slots.
The technique is getting cheaper and better, at the same time, synths
get for the same price, more features and better sound-quality.
Well that let me think again, despite my feelings against a new ANxx
above, that Yamaha should jump on the VA-train as well again, since
the AN1x is running out of production anyway. But who knows, maybe
they surprise us with something completely new. As the FS1r shows,
they are always good for a surprise.
> Every instrument has its unique sound, that's not so surprising.
And for the
> Virus and the Supernova, it's not only the features, but even more
the great
> sound.
Hm, the basic sound of the Supernova is not so great (weak
oscillators, if you compare to the AN1x, but this isn´t automatically
a disadvantage). But the Supernova has the big advantage of covering
that lack of basic soundquality by adding effects over effects. And
it´s the only synth, except the Nova and the new ones, that has
individual effects for each voice.
> I'm lusting for a Supernova II Pro X... yummie.
lol...i guess you are your homebanks best customer...;)))
> A piece of chalk on a board has a unique sound as well. :)
Hm, i don´t know, i never tried different boards and different pieces
of chalk...but i guess it will give you the ultimate acid sound...:)
> Well... that would make it a totally different instrument. Not a
new version
> of the AN1x.
Hm, i never intended that i would like to see a new version, like
e.g. the update from Virus a to b. I wouldn´t mind if the engineers
would take the old synthengine improve it, add new things and built
it into a AN6r 19"rack.
By the way, does someone know if the A3000 filter are the same as in
the AN1x, or as in the new CS6x/S80/30? (Just wondering)
Regards, Tom