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--- In AN1x-list@y..., "happs1981" <jigmaster@m...> wrote:
> Hi all,
> This is probably a newbie question considering I'm new to this list
> and the PLG150AN.
> I have tried everything that I can think of (using my not so
> understanding) and read through, so thought I'd try and ask
> directly ...
> I want to be able to get XGPad, Cubase (or other sequencer) and
> AN1xEdit to run simultaneously so I can dedicate just one (for now)
> channel to the PLG150AN and the rest to the patches on the
> Up to now I've been making my sound with AN1xEdit and then
> it to a .mid file and reopening it in Cubase so the sysex messages
> get loaded after I've played the track a bit. This is fine(ish) but
> as soon as I pick a sound in XGPad on Channel 1 (or reopen it after
> restarting) it removes my hard work and I'm back to the Grand Piano
> sound. Do you get what I mean ? Heh.
> Basically ...
> I want Channel 1 in Cubase (Cakewalk, or Logic Audio) to be used to
> control the PLG150AN (AN1xEdit controlled) and the rest for the
> soundset on the SW1000XG (XGPad controlled) without it deleting
> everything afterwards.
> I have tried using Hubi's loopback device, but tbh I dont get it at
> all, heh.
> Hope someone can PLEASE PLEASE help! (How can I make good dance
> tracks without it!?) heh.
> - Happs.