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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Re: Track made with 2 patchs from AN1X!

From: mango <mango@...>
Date: 2000-05-21

> I agree. Charlie, i apologize, that you feel personally offened, but
> ppl. post their selfpromotion nowadays pretty much everywhere, and
> honestly it´s very annoying. It´s like hearing the same song over and
> over and over again. I guess you know that feeling, when you watch TV
> or listen to music. The first few times it´s great, then it gets
> normal, then its start to get boring and finally you can´t see or
> hear it anymore.

True true :)

> As Jon suggested, maybe we can add a little section on the file-
> database or in the links-section for self-promotional stuff, if it
> technically works.
> How´s that?

Fine :)