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Subject: Re: Track made with 2 patchs from AN1X!

From: tomfinegan@...
Date: 2000-05-21

--- In, "Critical Static" <clp1@g...> wrote:
> Greetings Music Lovers,

:::complain mode on...::::
:-> Finally the shameless selfpromoting dotcom-musicians-SPAM
reached the AN1x-mailing list. They are spreading everywhere and are
worse than "ILOVEYOU" or "NewLove", because you can´t get rid of them
with NortonAntivirus or by just switching off Windows-Script.

It´s nice to know that you use an AN1x, but so am i, and everyone
else here as well. If i would post each time some promotion, when i
used my AN1x in a song, i had to spend my whole time in sending out
eMails instead of making music. And so are all the other people here.

Why don´t you just drop a simple line with your URL instead of
posting bigass jpeg´s, dude? I don´t think that you can impress
anyone with that here. You just waste our bandwidth and eMail-account

:::complain mode off:::

Thank you for your attention,
