Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer mailing list
Subject: Holycow! Help me!
From: "electric_bubble" <leop@...>
Date: 2002-01-13
Suddenly when i play a voice with ARP Hold, it sounds crazy when the
an1x gets a note off message (when i stop holding down the keys).
This does not seem to be a startup kind of problem... I have
restarted it once but the problem is still there, and applied to
every voice that has ARP Hold. When i push a key down it sounds fine
but when i let it go it sounds like somebody are hammering the key in
500 bpm...
Is it any way to do a system reset on this thing, like load up the
default system settings or such?? Or is this synth already screwed, 3
days after i bought it?
I hope not!!! =(