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Subject: Re: Lots of help needed!

From: "jondl_2000" <jondl_2000@...>
Date: 2002-01-11

--- In AN1x-list@y..., "electric_bubble" <leop@s...> wrote:
> Hello
> I have today bought a second hand yamaha an1x. Sofar i like it
but i
> cant get a grip of how to do some basic things. I think the
manual is
> pretty bad, saying almost nothing about the LFO`s or the effect
> section of the synth.

Congrats on the 'new' AN1x and welcome to the list.

In regars to the manual - it's primarily function is to describe the
available parameters, their value range(s) and how to access
them. For programming tutorials you are best off following the
Voice Creation Example in the latter half of the manual or make
use of some online tutorials such as the following:

See the bookmarks page here at Yahoo! Groups for more AN1x

and how to
> How do i set a destination to a LFO? So for instance, Lfo1
> pitch of osc1

Go to the SYNC/FM parameter group and set Sync Pirch Src to
LFO1 and then use Sync Pitch Depth to se the mod amount -
adjust the LFO1 waveform and Speed as desired.

> or vcf cutoff?

Got to the MIX/VCF parameter group and set FMOD Depth
accordingly. LF01 is hardwired to the VCF and VCA. Bear in mind
that Filter Cutoff and FEG Depth settings will greatly affect how
pronounced an effect FMOD Depth has on the VCF.

I have read about the mod matrix but
> when i entered that menu i could not find the LFO`s as a
> anywhere!?

The Control Matrix is NOT used to route modulation sources, i.e.,
LFOs, to destinations - it is used to map real time control change
messages between source and destination parameters.
Example: programming Aftertouch to affect FEG Depth.

> Also, how do i adjust LFO2 Dly & LFO2 wave?

You don't - LFO2 is fixed as a Triangle waveform and offers no
delay parameter. You might limit it's usefulness to tremelo
effects on pitch.

> How do i see wich OS version i got?

Hold down the '0', '-', and ''+' keys at power up. This will dispay
the OS version of your AN1x - and place it in Test Mode. You
might not want to play around with the front panel controls while
in Test Mode unless you know what you are doing in advance.

> Help higly appriciated!
> Leo - sweden

