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Subject: No Midi Rec In WinXP/Cubase5.1

From: DMANX@...
Date: 2002-01-02

I still canot record midi using ANX1edit in cubase5.1 under WinXP.And after endless attempts if I manage to get some midi data recorded,I hit play in the transport bar of cubase and I get only piano sounds or sometimes XG sounds but no sound from selected voice in Anx1edit,from recoreded midi data if any?I have reinstalled software ,but no joy!
All other application work fine with midi,including xgedit.Is there a bug in anx1edit under winXP in cubase5.1,it certainly canot handle midi very well.
But it all worked under win2000.
Please can somone very kindly advise.

Regards Dmanx.

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